Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Monologue 2 First Showing


  1. You can tell that you practiced this one. You did AWESOME!!! I especially loved the singing. You do a really good job at being a shy girl.

  2. you did very good on this one too. a lot of different emotions have to be acted out during this one and you acted them out very well. good job. "A B C D" lol

  3. Thank you guys! I feel like when I say "You're shy darn it! shy shy shy!" I need to be a little bigger with and hold on to that emotion in the lines after, because I felt like I said that and then it just went kind of flat after wards. But I think this is so far my best monologue.

  4. BRAVO!! That was great. You really put great emotion into this performance. I like how you added gestures and movement as you acted out your lines. I would just suggest that you play on the shy factor a little more. Good job!

  5. This was so funny! your body language was good but I think you can play it up even more. :)
